Data Centers Vs Cloud Based Platform Should You Consider Legacy Data Migration?

legacy data migration

Data is extremely important to your business. No matter what industry you are in, access to real time data and information is going to help you make important decisions related to your business operations as well as customer relationship management. Data can be stored and managed on primarily two types of platforms which are on-premises data centers and cloud storage platforms. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and it is imperative that you understand them closely before you pick a destination for your critical business data.

 The Data Centre

This is an on-premises platform which is essentially a server or a collection of servers that you have purchased and run on a daily basis to manage all your data storage needs. Purchasing server hardware and related networking systems might turn out to be a big but practical investment in the long run. Along with the cost of purchasing the necessary equipment, you will have to invest a lot in configuration, customization, training and orientation of your employees, security measures and much more.

Some experts and especially legacy data migration professionals see this platform as a limited means of storing and managing your data because it is restricted with regards to scalability and hinders adoption of new and innovative technologies.

Having said that, it is still believed that relying completely on data centers which are physical locations for data storage and management within your company premises is not bad at all.

For instance, it gives you complete control over your data and equipment, and no one other than the people you have allowed and have given access to can reach this data. You get to control what hardware and software you will be using and what customizations you will be making to this data.

legacy data migration

The Cloud Platform

Data migration from legacy systems to a better system that is more advanced and innovative often leads you to opting for cloud data storage. A cloud based solution is basically the hardware and infrastructure of the vendor you have associated with. Now the very first thing that as an entrepreneur you will be concerned about is the security of your data. Giving up so much control to a third party is a scary idea. Though these people are extremely reputable and undergo strict background checks, it is difficult to become completely comfortable while handing over the responsibility of all this data to any third party at all.

Cloud Storage Solutions Are Flexible And Come With Extensive Security Measures As Well But Everything Comes At A Price

The vendor will be responsible for keeping your data absolutely safe and maintaining its integrity all the while giving you complete access and control from any remote location that you choose to be at. This puts you at a bit of a sensitive position because the moment the internet connection goes down, you won’t be able to access your remote data stores.

 However, it takes away a lot from your responsibilities of protecting your data, updating your security measures, maintaining software updates and keeping up with hardware upgrades and a lot more!

Scalability Factor With Cloud Based Solutions

Migration from legacy systems will result in favorable outcomes for your business. They give you flexibility and a new system that is more secure and technologically advanced. When it comes to scalability, you can rely on the cloud computing vendor to provide you with additional space and readily available software and hardware upgrades. Whether you want to scale down or scale up your storage, it can all be done seamlessly and before you even know it.

Remember, building your own infrastructure from scratch is going to be extremely costly. A traditional data centre is difficult to scale up and down as per your business requirements also because it calls for huge investments on your part.

Legacy System Data Migration To A More Advanced Framework

Is This A Strategy Towards Entrepreneurial Growth?

Cloud storage options ensure instant scalability and quick savings. Cloud computing is getting more and more affordable and with the advent of newer technologies, the need to build a data centre from the ground up is completely eliminated (well, almost). It is going to save you a lot of time and let’s face it, according to statistics, operating a large data centre within your company can cost you $1,167 per month which is the cost of electricity (only) that you are going to spend while running your workstations and data storage solutions. Add another $525 a month to maintain your servers and communications equipment. This is a humongous amount as compared to only $850 per pack per month on an average if you go with a cloud based solution.

Being more cost effective, especially for small companies gives tremendous opportunities to entrepreneurs to grow and expand their operations. Needless to mention that the cloud service is going to be available for your company’s use almost immediately after your registration gets completed.

Final Thoughts

A traditional data centre might not allow much cost-effectiveness when it comes to managing your data and keeping it secure but it is flexible in terms of equipment that you choose. It is also easier to keep a track of software and hardware upgrades that you are investing in on a regular basis.

Cloud storage on the other hand is reliable because the instances related to loss of internet connectivity are extremely rare and very few and far between. The scalability factor is impressive here. Cloud storage solutions also help you stay technologically ahead of your competitors. All in all, both these options are a mix of pros and cons.

Eventually, it will come down to your business needs and technological preferences. Whether it is data centers or cloud storage solutions, one thing that cannot be compromised on ever is the integrity of your critical data and your reputation. Follow us for more such insights on Linking Logics.


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